Directory of Offers & WantsDirectory of Offers & Wants
Offers & Wants help to build the "value" of the LETS, ie the talent and energy of the members.
It's vital to keep them up to date, and you can do this via the "My Profile" link on the sidebar.
Below are shortcuts to the full directory, as well as links to pages where you can search
the listings by category, timeframe, or keyword.
When creating your Offers & Wants, if you are not sure which category to put them in, you can
use "Uncategorised", and eventually the Directory Editor will find a suitable category for you, or if
necessary create one. In this way, the listings will become customised to the needs of this group.
The "Events" category can be used to share information about external events
especially if you would like other members to come with you. Crucially, you
can also use this facility to create Socials for Members in your area, and invite
people to come who might like to join.
OFFERS Select Offers
WANTS Select Wants
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